“Nobody was ever prosecuted. Important men were never arrested or grilled over facts. The newspaper sensation created by an impotent congressional investigation in 1934 and 1935 died down and the story collected dust, forgotten ever since.” — Chris Floyd

Overthrowing the U.S. government  in 1934 for the purpose of bringing huge profits to big business would require a radical new form of government for the U.S.  With similar experiments in Italy, Spain, and German, American businessmen could not resist the thought of total control of everything.
The Birth Of…
Check out this link:
The Plot To Seize The White House contains a few primary sources, and records links to many other primary sources, which is its archival value. The details of the Plot itself are told here, and can be retold endlessly by others who care about this event. The story in brief is General Smedley Butler was approached to lead a coup d’etat to overthrow democracy in 1933 & 1934. (Reminding modern readers, 1933 was the year Hitler assumed power in Germany.) He declined, and exposed the plot. The plotters then employed the “OJ Simpson” theory of defense: “if you have enough money you can get away with murder.”  – Jules Asner
Attempted Fascist Coup, Overthrow of the American Government
The whistle was blown.
If the coup had been successful, most likely we would have the small government so many conservative dream of today.  The only quirk might have been that a fascist way might have been repugnant to a rebel breed such as  We the People.  Our government may have stayed in tact but it would have been merely an arm to keep and expand the interests of  greater powers.
I have more to say about this but it’s getting late. I will continue tomorrow.
Terry Gresham