renxkyoko's space

Renxkyoko Iglesias here.


What is the last thing you do when you post here……. that is, before you click  Publish ?  Do you already have something on your mind?   Do you have a title and topic ready, and you go from there, and stick with it?

The last thing I do before I click Publish is to write  the title of  my post. …. which is troublesome because I come here with no specific topic  in mind.  I write down whatever is  on my mind at the moment, and just hope I can manage to tie this hodgepodge  together into one coherent  thought….. and I fail.  I guess that is the way I am, and I accept it already.  I figure my long time readers have accepted it as well.  * looks at Ate San and  Andy *

Oh, in fact, I don’t even know who I am and what I really stand for.  Like…

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